Thursday, October 1, 2009

October Online Coupon Codes for Angel Food Ministries

Hot off the Press!! The online coupon codes are ready to go. The coupon codes for online use only are SIG10OCT and OCTSP110. The SIG10OCT coupon gives 10% off a "signature box" of Angel Food. The OCTSP110 coupon gives 10% the Special Meat Box #1. These online coupons are good till October 31st, and can only be valid for the first 2000 orders. Hope this helps!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello I'm trying to use the signiture box coupon code, and when I use it, well it works until I hit the next button after I put in my credit card info. Once it goes to the review order, the coupon does no longer show. I was just wondering if I may be doing something wrong.. Thanks
